Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) is a branch of engineering design applied to fire safety issues. It is based on advanced engineering evaluations to analyse the performance of a building in relation to the fire risk required to operate safety.
Fire Safety Engineering
As part of its multi-disciplinary engineering services, Incide Engineering offers its customers specialised analyses in Fire Safety Engineering FSE and fire protection design.
As part of its multi-disciplinary engineering services, Incide Engineering offers its customers specialised analyses in Fire Safety Engineering FSE and fire protection design.

Fire prevention

CFD Fire Scenario simulation

Fire Safety Engineering FSE

Active fire protection

Evacuation modelling

Smoke management

Fire resistance & deformation

Passive structure protection
Fire Safety Engineering

We design tailor-made security systems while minimising costs
FSE performs all those functions that lie outside or straddle regulatory limits. It allows the client to minimise intervention costs thanks to more targeted studies and at the same time to design ad-hoc safety systems.
FSE performs all those functions that lie outside or straddle regulatory limits. It allows the client to minimise intervention costs thanks to more targeted studies and at the same time to design ad-hoc safety systems. In the case of buildings with atypical geometries and therefore not standardised, the approach can be used to avoid invasive interventions, proposing surgical solutions to minimise the impact. For the fire brigade, the approach can reveal dangerous situations as early as the design phase and allow structural or managerial interventions to eliminate these risks.
The fields of application of FSE
Our technical team, specialised in fire engineering, provides services to design offices, Contractors and national and international construction companies. In Italy it is thanks to the issuing of the Ministerial Decree of 3 August 2015 that the performance methodology (FSE) has taken on greater importance and freedom of application. The risk assessment is thus placed on the real case, optimising the technological and design choices in terms of both technical and economic performance and judging the adequacy in quantitative terms.
Our technical team, specialised in fire engineering, provides services to design offices, Contractors and national and international construction companies.
Smoke evacuation
Smoke evacuation concerns the physical modelling on a fluid-dynamic basis of different fire scenarios that can realistically occur in a structure. Through simulations, one or more smoke and heat propagation models are obtained which are necessary to design all the containment and ducting elements according to cost optimisation and risk mitigation principles.

Specialist structural analysis
Structural analysis involves developing numerical models of a part or the whole of a structure to test it at high temperatures typical of fires. This type of analysis can bring great economic benefits to the end customer as each individual material and element is studied according to its real resistance capacity and precise heat propagation models.
Structural analysis involves developing numerical models of a part or the whole of a structure to test it at high temperatures typical of fires. This type of analysis can bring great economic benefits to the end customer as each individual material and element is studied according to its real resistance capacity and precise heat propagation models. Many interventions can therefore be limited or eliminated altogether, while still meeting safety requirements. We approach these projects with a 3D approach and a total aptitude for international standards such as Eurocodes, SNIP and Ghost, American Code AISC and ACI.
Fluid dynamics computation and verification of structural elements
Fluid dynamics computation and verification of structural elements

Realistic simulations of large scenarios
Incide Engineering relies on the elaboration of Field Models based on codes that develop and solve equations for fluid-dynamic computation and physical modelling of fires, to propose competitive and even safer solutions. Multi-Core resolution technologies with parallel computer networks are used for the development of large scenarios. Through the use of the most up-to-date software, the results of the analysis are easily interpreted by means of illustrative graphical displays, capable of presenting problems and solutions with descriptive clarity.
Incide Engineering relies on the elaboration of Field Models based on codes that develop and solve equations for fluid-dynamic computation and physical modelling of fires, to propose competitive and even safer solutions. Multi-Core resolution technologies with parallel computer networks are used for the development of large scenarios.
The development of complex models for the in-depth study of the various problems to be addressed by FSE requires state-of-the-art knowledge and software capable of evaluating, analysing and describing all the study phases. FDS is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program dedicated to the analysis of air motion following thermal actions. The program numerically solves the Navier-Stokes equations with characteristic low-speed flows generated by thermal gradients, with particular regard to the phenomena of smoke/heat transport typical of fires.
The development of complex models for the in-depth study of the various problems to be addressed by FSE requires state-of-the-art knowledge and software capable of evaluating, analysing and describing all the study phases.